Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baby girl's first birthday party

December is a big month for our family. Both Baby girl and I celebrate our birthdays. We are both Christmas babies. Baby girl turned 1 this year. It's hard to believe how quickly the time as gone by. My baby girl is turning into toddler girl.

I had a combined party for her and two other ninos at the local BK before we left for break. Another boy in the ward has his birthday on the same day, but he turned two. And another little cutie, the one in the pictures, has his birthday a week later. I love his shirt, "Mr. One-derful". L has a cute first birthday shirt sent from her Auntie Susan.

I let L eat her own chicken nuggets and french fries. She didn't eat many of her chicken nuggets, but the girl took care of her fries!
Here are some pictures. Special thanks to Angela for actually using her nice camera and taking these. I was distracted and didn't take as many as I would have liked.

We had some interesting events happen during the party. First, little Brooklyn decided she would blow out the birthday candles for all the kids (see the first pictures). And then the second thing that happened was L hit her mouth on the table right as I was trying to give her the cupcake. Her gums bled a little bit. Poor little girl! Guess it was her party and she could cry if she wanted to. Okay, okay! Cheesy, I know. :)